Friday, July 15, 2005

Random Musings...

HOW DO WE DEAL WITH SIN IN THE CHURCH? Interesting post by Stronger Church here.


COMMENTARY ON THE URGENCY OF PREACHING by doctor and pastor R. Albert Mohler, M.D., Southern Baptist Convention, here. My take: Topical sermons have their place, but nothing can take the place of pure exegetical expository preaching of the bible, line by line, from Genesis to Revelation. That's why I'm in favor of the Calvary Chapel method of "church"- with it's emphasis on solid line by line biblical preaching. You've probably read the surveys- there is just as much sin in the church as there is out of the church. Biblical illiteracy is at an all time high, that's because a huge number of mainstream denominations and churches in America don't feed their sheep with Gods Word. Want true success? Want to stand firm in trials? Read Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1, then do the obvious- read and meditate on His word and you shall stand firm in the face of trial and experience success.

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