As if anyone really reads this blog, but I'll say it here anyway. There is just too much going on in life right now to spend short and valuable time blogging. Once the merry-go-round stops or slows down, perhaps I'll be back. But for now, I'm just not feeling the necessity to write and maintain this blog. To my half dozen readers...pick up the phone and give me a call or we can discuss stuff over coffee at mi casa!
Go Steelers! (my #2 team behind the Kansas City Chiefs)
Go Jimmy Johnson (NASCAR's #48 Lowes Chevrolet) and Kyle Petty (#45)!
Go Dodgers!
Go Huskers! sign those recruits and get ready to run the table in '06!
Consider eternity, consider you're purpose in life, please the Lord in all things. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you!