Monday, December 04, 2006

My Life Support System

My secret is out. This is how I manage to work 40 plus hours a week, be a father to three kids (two hyper active always in turbo speed boys), maintain some semblance of a marriage, work in some ministry time, run here and there for kids sporting events and stuff, manage a home, and...and...and...., well, you know, you do it to. But try this, it works pretty good!

Are you a coffee afficianado? Is your office coffee lacking some zing? Your office swill not cutting it? Check out this website I recently found.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Prison Ministry Update

Last Thursday was a huge blessing to our ministry team. Just a few months ago, when we launched this ministry, 15 inmates were showing up at the Bible study we were leading. Two nights ago, 90 men showed up to worship God and study the Bible! I often wonder how much we are helping these guys, I'm not sure if we are. But this I know, they sure bless our socks off each week! I look forward to seeing these guys every week and fellowshipping with them. They are great examples for me in my Christian walk. They are stripped of everything. All they have is Jesus and each other. Their lives are so gloriously simple and dedicated to the Lord...all while being incarcerated in prison.

Please pray for these guys. They will be our neighbors one day. They are scared and want/need mentors and people to disciple them. They want so much to succeed on the outside. I am sure they can if they take their dedication to the Lord with them when they leave. I have a lot to be thankful for...I'm free! Yet I long for the intimacy and complete abandon of self for the Lord that my inmate brothers have. These guys bless me more than I can ever bless them.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Just returned from a nice trip to Colorado and Nebraska to visit with friends and family. Not sure what happened here but the pictures popped up in reverse order. Anyway, it was a nice trip, had a great time, reconnected with family and enjoyed the stress free life for a few weeks.

Here's the crew. This band of hooligans made sure we didn't sleep past 7 a.m. But this was what our trip was all

No vacation is complete without jumping in and playing in a big pile of leaves. Here I am eating some of Nebraska's finest roughage courtesy of my lovely wife.

Dont' look now Zach, but there is a train behind you. This is at the train museum in Denver. Grandpa used to work for Union Pacific Railroad. He and the boys nearly lost their alleged minds here. It was fun I must say!

Uhhhhhhh, I don't remember this being the way to Nebraska!

Here we are somewhere in the Rocky Mountains at a picnic area. Looks like a Christmas card to me! Grandma and Grandpa showed us a good time and fattened us up with some good food, then it was off to Nebraska!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Purpose Driven driving Christianity in the ditch?

From Roger Oakland, Understanding the Times, a discernment ministry:

Calvary Chapel's position with Purpose Driven, Emergent and contemplative:

This is not something to summarily dismiss for any reason no matter what your religious stripe is or your theological bent might me. Study to show thyself approved unto God...then decide for yourselves.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democrats taking over???

Looks like the Dems are taking over at least in the House of Representatives. I haven't seen too much election news yet, but what I've seen it looks like the Republicans are taking a beating. At this point in time, I honestly don't care. I'm so politically apathetic right now I couldn't give a rip who wins or loses. At the law firm I work at, I get to see some of the political games that are played. Albeit, what I witness is only the tip of the iceberg. Politics to me seems so dirty, so revolting, so.... I used to be politically minded and somewhat active. That got me no where and made me more frustrated. As a Christian, I know that political agendas are not the answer to "our problems." I gave up on politics. Oh, I will vote, but I'm not going to get to excited about any of it. And, I'm switching to Independent if I get around to it. The only thing that matters, the only thing that will make a real difference in our world is the proclamation and preaching of the Word of God and the salvation of sinners through Jesus Christ by faith. That's it. That's what I aim to do this day forward, one soul at a time. If we all purpose to do the same, one day there will only be one party (not Republican or Democrat). Just the Kingdom of God doing the will of God. And elections won't matter, politics won't be a dirty side show. As constituants of the Kingdom of God, we have a civic duty to share Jesus with all who will listen. Go and tell someone about Him. Godspeed.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Emergent Church: A mystical ecumenical heresy?

False teachers such as Tony Jones and Brian McLaren have attempted to supplant the Gospel by seducing multitudes with doctrines that can damn their sould for all eternity. Jesus warned that "many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many" (Matthew 24:11). The present day emerging church movement is full of deceitful "contemplative practices." The danger of the Emerging Church's type of spirituality is that it replaces the certainty of the written Word with subjective experiences.

Satan's trick is always to promote leaders who think that they are truly Christian, while at the same time they proffer new unbiblical techniques for the glorious work of Christ. Ecumenical strategy, re-defining God, a fictitious contrast replacing the Word of truth, redefining theology, rewriting history, the utter denial of basic biblical principles, and the rejection of the gospel are just a part of what Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Brennan Manning and other Emergent leaders propose and peddle on the Evangelical community.

Those who would strive for the faith of the Gospel must stand firm in it, aware of present dangers, and carry on unwavering in the hour of crisis. In the words of the Apostle, "...stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel" (Phil. 1:27).

Here are three must reads about and concerning the Emergent Church and it's dangerous propositions:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lessons for bloggers

True, blogs are a place where people can share thoughts, ideas and opinions and carry on conversations about an endless number of topics. One drawback is that communicating via the blogosphere, the human element or the face to face element is not present and that can hinder our communication and understanding of each other. In face to face communication, one might show more restraint or patience with the other person whereas while communicating electronically, we or should I say I have a tendency to just spout off showing no retraint at all.

I've learned some valuable lessons through my blog conversations with others. I've debated several people on blogs who held a contrary worldview than mine, I've debated various issues/topics with those who supposedly were adherants to my worldview. In most cases, the conversation went nowhere. Typically one side raises some issues they are questioning about the other person. Next, the other person usually feels personally "attacked" and throws out a bunch of rhetorical non-sequitors and ad hominum attacks against the other person, and then, well, it goes south fast from there. The real issues never get resolved, people say stuff they probably shouldn't and a bunch of wounds are inflicted leaving a bloody mess behind.

Here's what I've learned during my blogging career: 1) Pray before you speak. This is so easy it's the hardest thing to do. It's much easier and quicker to shoot from the hip in your own strength and wisdom than it is to actually pray and ask God if you should even spend your time engaging this person. 2) The other side will almost never be persuaded to agree with you. We all have a right to our opinions and those opinions are often strongly held. People aren't often willing to entertain opposing viewpoints. So that leads me to number 3) Keep your comments and arguments short, concise and focused. When you sense the other side isn't "getting it", move on. The chances things will get out of hand ratchet up considerably at that point. And finally, number 4) Use Scripture and plenty of it. If your argument has God watching your back, who can argue against that? The Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than a two edged sword piercing even to the division of sould and spirit, and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

Maybe these ideas will be helpful to you as you persuade the world to believe as you do. In conclusion, "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one". Colossians 4:6


Monday, October 30, 2006

Have you hugged a kid with autism today?

I have! Here's my son, Matthew. God gave us Matthew to make me a better Dad. This little guy sure makes life exciting! Psalm 127:3 says: "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward". Challenges, yes. Rewards? WOW!!! FAQ re autism.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Heres my little baseball star chillin with little bro! Winter baseball is in full swing. This guy just loves baseball! I'm good with that. You know, raising kids is probably one of the hardest things I'll ever do, but at the end of the night, when it's all said and done, and I'm tucking these little guys into bed, the joy they give me and the love they give out makes it all worth it.

Prison Ministry Update

Long story short...God is really doing a work at CRC in Norco. He's doing a work in my life and with our team. It's been awesome and I'm truly blessed to be involved in this ministry. I've said before, if it were not for this ministry, I really don't know what kind of state I would be in spiritually. I was in a dry, dry, dry place for a long time when the Lord picked me out of a crowd of men who are way more qualified to lead this ministry than I am. It's been awesome.

We started out with about 15 guys showing up to our Bible study. In less than two months, we have over 60 guys showing up and it grows by 10-15 per week. Last week, 10 inmates joined the family of God! The worship has been phenominal! I mean, if we get up to 100 guys showing up, I'm pretty sure the roof is coming down! (It's decent and in order...we're just loving on God while we sing our hearts out).

Pray for these guys, pray for the team and pray that God's spirit would continue to draw more lost souls to Himself on Thursday nights at CRC Norco. Godspeed.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Prison Ministry Update

Things are going rather well, praise God! The team of five guys have stepped up and stretched themselves and jumped into ministry whole heartedly and we're being blessed beyond our expectations. Maybe a dozen inmates have given their lives to Christ and the ministry is growing. The Chaplain is very excited at how things have gone and has asked us to turn our twice monthly meetings into a weekly one starting in October. The Lord has opened doors for us and we'll gladly step through them to do Kingdom work at CRC in Norco.

Keep praying for our ministry team. Since we're moving to a weekly format, we need to add a few more guys to the team. Mainly, pray for the inmates. There are quite a few solid believers there who face numerous challenges to their faith daily. And the enemy sends distractors into our Bible study every time.

Thank you for your prayers and support. More updates to come. God Bless.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Prison Ministry Has Been Launched!

Well we finally got our gatepass into CRC in Norco. The Lord has assembled an awesome team and we're ready to tear it up! After a few minor glitches (two of the three cell blocks were on lockdown and nobody knew we were starting chapel services this week) eventually about 15 inmates showed up. Some were believers, most were not. You could see in their eyes the hurt and pain they've packed into their hearts. After some worship and a Bible study, three guys gave their lives to Christ. We prayed with these guys and encouraged them. Two of them were homosexuals. Then we walked around and talked with the guys and prayed for them one on one. It was awesome! I'm stoked for Jesus...I've been needing to get my butt off the sidelines and get in the game for Jesus. This is it. Prison ministry is rad! Want to add some zest, meaning and purpose to your life? Get in the game for Jesus.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Prophecy Update: The Lebonon Crisis

What is going on in the Middle East? What are we to think/say/do? What's going on? What is the world coming to?

Awesome Bible teacher...knows his stuff, knows history, knows Israel. Well, just listen to this teaching. Go here.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Friday, July 21, 2006

What happens when you're alone with God?

This is an awesome article for everyone who calls themselves a Christian. (This is a long post but very much worth it). Check out authors site here.

In The Presence of God

By Mike Genung

“On Monday night, this week, about midnight, I wrote a letter to the Lord. I didn’t know where to mail it so I put it in my Bible. And I asked Him, “Lord, You’ve got to do something about my heart. You know a lot of time’s gone by since I met You. And it’s starting to harden up, you know it’s just kind of natural. I want to have baby skin, Lord. I want to have skin like a baby on my heart. It’s starting to get old, and wrinkled, and calloused. It’s not because of anything I’m doing; it’s cause of a lot of things I’m not doing. And I stayed up ‘til about 2:00 in the morning writing this song…”

Keith Green, from the introduction to his song Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful.

What happens when you’re alone with God?

I often ask this question of men I’m discipling, and the answers are revealing. Some will say “Well, I read my Bible and pray every morning,” which misses the point. Others say “Nothing happens when I’m alone with God; I struggle with wondering if He’s really there or not.” Some claim that their lives are too busy for God; they intentionally keep the pace of their life at a fever–pitch in order to avoid Him.

Keep reading here.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How Did Jesus Do Personal Evangelism?

The Gospel of John, chapter 4 gives us great insight into how Jesus conducted personal evangelism. You remember the woman at the well? She was the sort of person many would try to avoid this day and age. This is what is so great about Jesus. The greatest demonstrations of the power of His ministry involved the most unaproachable, vile, dispicable people...not much unlike you or I if you think about it. Here is a simple overview of the "WDJD Principle." Pray that God would give you opportunity to use it. But beware, if you pray for that, He will definitely affirmatively answer your prayer!

There's a Red Storm for the hills USC!

Oh this is sweet! Lets start Smackdown '06 right now! Order is being restored in Lincoln. There is disarray at USC, off field problems, lack of depth, lack of experience, great time for the Huskers to come into SC's house and spank the Spoiled Children. Order restored, any questions?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Another Reason to Get on Your Knees

Human trafficking and the sex slave industry is a growing evil in our world. The leading world governments from all over the globe remain largly silent against such evil. The Salvation Army is leading the fight against the sex slave insustry and you can help. You can pray can't you? Sure you can, we all can. Click here for an update and a call to pray.

I'm still here...

Blogging has not been my highest priority lately. I had a little surgery recently that has kicked my butt and incapacitated me for a spell. I'm up and moving around...I stopped taking the Vicodin and I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. Family is fine. Wife is off track and looking forward to some R & R. The boys...well they are boys...and I love 'em anyways. The mens prison ministry I'm leading is just about to launch! Pray for our team and for the inmates we'll be fellowshipping with soon.

Some changes to the ole blog might be forthcoming. Thanks for stopping by and have a great summer everybody!

Monday, June 12, 2006

New Link

I received an email from the founder and director of Blazing Grace today that reminded me of the importance of his ministry. If you or anyone you know is struggling with a sexual addiction of some sort or an addiction to pornography, send them to this website. Pornography and sexual deviency is one of the most wretched and powerful sins of our culture today. The enemy is using porn to destroy our world one soul at a time. Thank God for His love and's the only way out!

Check out

Thursday, June 01, 2006

DaVinci what?

A lot of wrankled feathers on both sides of the DaVinci Code isle. Bottom line, DaVinci theology isn't anything new. Heretical DaVinci theology has been around since the first century. No need for anyone to fly off the handle over it. Bottom, bottom line is, some people will believe anything and do anything to avoid facing the reality and truth about Jesus Christ.

One of the best DaVinci resources is here. Check it out.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ushering in the Gay Agenda

The gay agenda has little or nothing to do with tolerance and everything to do with forcing acceptance and criminalizing opposing viewpoints. Militant gay activists are successfully transforming the debate about same sex marriage into a "civil rights" issue, which it is not. It's a choice. Being gay is a CHOICE not an inherent characteristic as some would have you to believe. Everyday I wake up I have a choice to do or not do a lot of things. I don't have a choice to wake up black or white or anything else. Science cannot, has not and never will prove that someone is born gay. Good luck trying. You'll have better luck with your current strategy (judicial activism).

More thoughts here by Star Parker.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Complainer or ready to face anything He puts in our path?

From May 15 My Upmost for His Highest:

Remember that you have been saved so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in your body (see 2 Corinthians 4:10 ). Direct the total energy of your powers so that you may achieve everything your election as a child of God provides; rise every time to whatever occasion may come your way.

You did not do anything to achieve your salvation, but you must do something to exhibit it. You must "work out your own salvation" which God has worked in you already ( Philippians 2:12 ). Are your speech, your thinking, and your emotions evidence that you are working it "out"? If you are still the same miserable, grouchy person, set on having your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you.

God is the Master Designer, and He allows adversities into your life to see if you can jump over them properly—"By my God I can leap over a wall" ( Psalm 18:29 ). God will never shield you from the requirements of being His son or daughter. First Peter 4:12 says, "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you . . . ." Rise to the occasion—do what the trial demands of you. It does not matter how much it hurts as long as it gives God the opportunity to manifest the life of Jesus in your body.

May God not find complaints in us anymore, but spiritual vitality—a readiness to face anything He brings our way. The only proper goal of life is that we manifest the Son of God; and when this occurs, all of our dictating of our demands to God disappears. Our Lord never dictated demands to His Father, and neither are we to make demands on God. We are here to submit to His will so that He may work through us what He wants. Once we realize this, He will make us broken bread and poured-out wine with which to feed and nourish others.

Don't you just love the way God does things? First He saves you. Then He asks more of you than you can give. Then He reveals things to you from His Word. Then the test comes. He puts those things in our lives to "prove" us or to show us what we're made of. Will we complain or be ready to face whatever challenge that comes our way? The good news is that all His tests are open book tests. We have the Word of God to stand on and hold on to in difficult times. In the heat of the battle, our test score depends upon whether we will seek God first in the troubled times or whether we'll stomp our feet in retreat from Him and go our own way. Will we let the enemy chase us away from the cross or will we humbly submit to Him and sit at the cross and seek Him and submit to His will?

The Christian life is challenging and plain difficult sometimes. But the alternative is going back to Egypt and our "old life." Which is more painful? Submit to Him today or live with the pain of tomorrow back in Egypt?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

How to Study the Bible

I'm the last person you want to consult on how to study the bible. There must be a billion books available to assist a person on how to get the most out of their bible study time and I've read at least a dozen of them. Here are a couple of resources that cut to the chase and should have an immediate impact on your study time. No fluff here, short and sweet.

Inductive Bible study method here

OT study method here

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Secret Sin of Christians Today

What's the number one problem the church faces today (and doesn't even really know it)? Pornography. Recent studies indicate that 1 out of every 2 people sitting in the pews at a Christian church on any given Sunday are involved to some degree with pornography. That percentage stays the same even when we talk about our pastors, elders and leaders of our churches. Imagine, your pastor giving a great sermon on Sunday and 30 minutes later he goes home to surf internet porn. It's happening. To some degree or another, it's happening in your church and it's happening in my church and for the most part, the church isn't doing anything about it. What's the biggest problem facing the existence of the church today? Is it the attacks on our religious freedoms? Is it athiests, cults, militant homosexual activists...who or what is it? Pornography. Porn will bring down the church before any of those other groups or ideologies will. We'll self destruct from within. What a great mission field... our churches!

Read an open letter to the church from Chuck Swindoll here regarding this issue. Then pray and ask God how you might get involved and "fight the good fight."

Friday, March 17, 2006

True Measure of Successful Ministry

Great article here by Dr. Holland. Thanks to Pulpit Magazine.

Are Christians "Picking On" Gays?

I've heard this from gays myself, it goes something like this..."you Christians sure are preoccupied with homosexuals...what about wife beaters, or child molesters or rapists, shouldn't you be more worried about them?" Oh we're worried about that stuff too. But gay activists are increasingly and often militantly creating or trying to create new laws that affect the public at large, therefore, everyone's opinion matters when it affects everyone. Homosexuality was an issue 25 years ago but it wasn't front and center of the cultural debate as it is now. That's why Christians are stepping up to voice their opinions in a reciprocal fashion. Hey, this affects us too and like it or not, our opinions matter and should be heard just like anyone elses.

Better said here from Stand to Reason.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tips for Having Civil Discussions

This article addresses civility in discussing politics, primarily with someone whom you disagree with. Having briefly reviewed the article, I would say these suggestions aptly apply to religious discussions as well. Remember, "without charity, we're a clanging symbol." Read the article here.

(HT: Hugh Hewitt)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Life Is Hard Out Here For A Wimp

being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. ~Phil. 1:6

Be confident in this friend, that good work that God started and is doing in your life, will be completed someday soon. That's my paraphrase. God IS doing a work in each of our lives. Quite often it's not really the way I would have mapped it out but He's God, I'm not. Even when things aren't going along as I planned, I can be confident because it's God's plan and He is working things out His way in my life and that my friend is the BEST way for us. You see, I could go listen to all the best Bible teachers every day all day long and be blessed no doubt. But I can't learn the things God wants to work out in my life sitting on my duff in a seminary or at a Bible study somewhere. The best place to learn the things God wants to work out in my life is in the trenches. In daily service to Him running up against adversity, problems, enemies, trials, tribulations and frankly the day to day grind of life. Those events in life that happen to us that make for good testimonies is exactly the place where God does that "good work." So don't be afraid to jump all in. Man up. Is God leading you to go deeper with Him and asking you to step out of your comfort zone? Do "trials" and "problems" got you asking "Why God?" Be CONFIDENT God is working out that good work in you that He began when you first got saved.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm Back!

All I needed was a mens retreat in the mountains to clear out the cobwebs, get alone with God and address some "issues of the heart." Great food, great fellowship, great Bible teaching. Better yet was the time alone with the Lord asking Him to search my heart and to "clean house." Clean house He did. I didn't like the looks of the stuff He was throwing out the door of my heart. I was starting to regret asking Him to do some house cleaning! Still, I was tempted to pick up some of the "trash" and stow it back away in the hidden chambers of my heart. It was only by His grace I was able to overcome the urge to keep some of that junk. See, I made the decision to be "set free" of my pet sins. He set me free for sure! It's all about your heart folks. Where is your heart? Where your heart is there is your treasure. I had a fools gold of a treasure in my heart. A "treasure" He quickly got rid of. I repented. I now have a treasure stowed away in my heart of heavenly proportions. My first love. It's been a while my Friend. I'm looking forward to walking with You for the unforeseen future! My Your grace is sufficient!


I'll be doing more blogging about theology, apologetics, ministry and the church in general. I'll leave the political stuff to Hugh Hewitt and the like. In the future I would like to do some book reviews and interviews with folks like Chuck Smith, Sr., Jon Courson, Greg Koukl, etc. At some point soon, I'll start sharing what God is showing me in His word. And I'm curious about the "emergent" church fad. I'll do some research and study and report my opinions herein. I won't blog often, maybe twice a week. I'm co-teaching an apologetics class at my church home, so I'll share that stuff here too. And I'm teaching once a month at our Saturday Mens Bible Study, I'll share those messages as well.

Come fall, it's football time! And that means NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS baby! I'll slip some Husker juice up in here too!

Hey, thanks for stopping by. Hope you'll be back. THANKS A-TEAM for the link! I read you guys every day!

Monday, January 23, 2006


As if anyone really reads this blog, but I'll say it here anyway. There is just too much going on in life right now to spend short and valuable time blogging. Once the merry-go-round stops or slows down, perhaps I'll be back. But for now, I'm just not feeling the necessity to write and maintain this blog. To my half dozen readers...pick up the phone and give me a call or we can discuss stuff over coffee at mi casa!

Go Steelers! (my #2 team behind the Kansas City Chiefs)
Go Jimmy Johnson (NASCAR's #48 Lowes Chevrolet) and Kyle Petty (#45)!
Go Dodgers!
Go Huskers! sign those recruits and get ready to run the table in '06!

Consider eternity, consider you're purpose in life, please the Lord in all things. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you!


Monday, January 09, 2006

Better coffee cheaper for the asking at Starbucks!

Want a better cup-o-joe at Starbucks for cheaper than what you normally pay? Just ask! Check it out here. Actually, I simply prefer the Venti "drip" at $1.80 anyway, but the "short cappacino" sounds better if I drank those...who wants to drink a glass full of warm milk/cream? Just give me the nectar baby! (couple shots of espresso, tiny bit of cream/foam).

The end of the procrastination trail

Time to pick up the old outlines and study materials so I can finally put that baby bar behind me. As most of you know, due to unforeseen circumstances, I cancelled and then put off the last two baby bar exams (June and October 2005). I'll sign up for and take the June 2006 FYLSX. The results of which won't be known until on or about August 11th. I've taken some of the second year courses already so I'm not that far behind even after my hiatus from school to recollect some sanity. I'm not looking forward to the endless nights and guzzeling Starbucks coffee until a hole has been burned into the lining of my stomach. But this to shall pass. The hard part is the darn general bar exam sometime in or around 2009. Taking the last semester off has refreshed me and helped me to focus on priorities. My new mantra is "Focus and Finish". Focus on the baby bar and what it takes to "finish" the job (passing). Then we'll work on finishing my J.D. and worry about the general bar exam. With God, all things are possible!

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Best Bible Commentary

Four pastors were discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible. One liked a particular version best because of its simple, beautiful English. Another preferred a more scholarly edition because it was closer to the original Hebrew and Greek. Still another liked a contemporary version because of its up-to-date vocabulary.
The fourth minister was silent for a moment, then said, "I like my mother's translation best." Surprised, the other three men said they didn't know his mother had translated the Bible. "Yes," he replied. "She translated it into life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw."

Instead of discussing translation preferences, this pastor reminded them that the most important focus should be learning God's Word and doing it. That was the top priority of Ezra's life. As a scribe, he studied the Law, obeyed it, and taught it to the Israelites (Ezra 7:10). For example, God commanded His people not to intermarry with neighboring nations who served pagan gods (9:1-2). Ezra confessed the nation's sin to God (9:10-12) and corrected the people, who then repented (10:10-12).
Let's follow Ezra's example by seeking the Word of God and translating it into life.

The best commentary on the Bible is a person who puts it into practice.

This devotional from the Daily Bread, 1/6/06, struck a chord with me. About 50% of the time, I'm bent towards a more intellectual approach to Christianity and the Bible. The other 50% of the time I'm bent towards a more simpler, practicle approach. Both have their place and both are good. But the lesson re-iterated today is, the best bible commentary is a person who puts it into practice. Without putting the bible into practice, neither approach is any good at all.

False alarm

Nothing cooking in the oven. Momma is upset. I have no comment at this time :!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What's that cooking in the oven?

My better half pregnant? No way! Maybe. We were'nt trying..."it just happened"! We'll know in a few days. More later.

Politics schmolitics...

Politicians and the political community are so disappointing. Can you say corruption? It doesn't matter what party you're talking about. Chances are, somewhere along the line, someone you believe in and support will let you down. The Abramoff scandal is just another in a long line of corruption cases. It won't be the last. In the end, politics is about power and money. If you don't have either one of those, you're not going to get in the're just a squirrel trying to get a nut! I'll stand up in the public square for what I believe is right and for the common good, but I'll invest my time and money in things that generate a better return on the hearts and souls of my children and my wife; sharing the gospel; living a life that pleases God, etc.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Told you so!

Texas won 41-38. Great game. Lived up to the hype. Vince Young was The Man! I see a huge problem though. Both USC and Texas are on Nebraska's schedule next year. Ouch!

Pictures of mi familia and stuff...

Sis with Big Bro
Here's Little Guy with his kitty cat
My better half and future Heisman Trophy winner

Scurilous Prediction

I'm not a USC fan. Neither am I a fan of fact, I despise Texas! They're our Big 12 nemesis. But, due to the fact that Texas is from the Big 12 and I don't want USC to be the first to win three national championships in a row, I'll be ever so quietly pulling for Texas. I think they are a pretty solid team all the way around. USC definitely hasn't played anyone of their caliber all year. Hence...

Texas 34
USC 28

By the way, only four teams have won back to back championships twice: Alabama, Oklahoma, USC and NEBRASKA. Looking forward to September 16, 2006 wherein the Huskers blow into town to pummel the Trojans!